Descurainie de Villa Grove
dans la classification botanique et dénomination
Regnum: Plantae — Phyllum: Spermatophyta — Subphyllum: Magnoliopsidae
(Angiospermae) — Classis: Magnoliopsidae (Dicotyledonae) — Subclassis:
Rosidae — Superordo: Violanae — Ordo: Capparales —
Familia: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) — Genus: Descurainiae
— Species: Ramosissima
L’auteur de cette espèce est Reed C. Rollins (1911-1998), botaniste
étatsunien spécialiste des Cruciferae; le nom Ramosissima,
qu’il a donné en 1984 à cette Descurainia, dérive
d’un adjectif latin classique, déjà utilisé par Pline
l’Ancien, ramosissimus, a, um, lui-même superlatif de l’adjectif
ramosus, a, um, «qui a de nombreux rameaux, branchu»,
et qui signifie donc «très ramifié, extrêmement
et caractères physiques
L’exemplaire ici photographié est l’isotype conservé au Grey
Herbarium de l’université de Harvard, qui a servi à la première
description de l’espèce. Il a été cueilli le 16 juin
1983, à une dizaine de kilomètres au sud de Villa Grove,
dans le comté de Saguache, Colorado, sur le sol sablonneux d’une
plaine ouverte, par Reed Rollins, sa femme Kathryn et Mme Aileen G. Roads.
Sur la photographie, la réglette mesure 5 cm. Voici ce qui est porté
sur cet isotype:
Descurainia ramosissima
Contr. Gray Herb.
214 : 3. 1984 |
Plants of COLORADO
Descurainia ramosissima
Plants compact, highly
branched, foliage greenish; petals yellow, spreading but not unguiculate;
siliques oblong, glabrous. Sandy soil of an open plain, near State Route
17, 7 miles S of Villa Grove, Saguache County.
June 16, 1983
Reed C. and Kathryn
W. Rollins 8349
With Aileen G. Roads |
Reed C. ROLLINS, «?» [création de l’espèce],
in Contributions from the Asa Gray Herbarium of Harvard University
214 (1984), p. 3.
Reed C. ROLLINS, The Cruciferae of continental North America: systematics
of the mustard family from the Arctic to Panama [976 p.] Stanford (California),
Stanford University Press, 1993.
David E. BOUFFORD, «Reed Rollins, Harvard Professor and Member of
The National Academy, dies at 86» [notice nécrologique], in
BEN. Botanical Electronic News 193 (18 mai 1998),
(en ligne en 2003).
[...] Reed C. Rollins, the Asa Gray Professor
of Systematic Botany Emeritus and director of the Gray Herbarium of Harvard
University from 1948 to 1978, died April 28, 1998. He was 86. Born in Lyman,
Wyoming, he graduated with honors from the University of Wyoming, reached
his master's degree from Washington State University and his Ph.D. from
Harvard in 1941. A member of the Society of Fellows at Harvard from 1937
to 1940, he joined Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1948. Before
coming to Harvard, Rollins served as associate professor of biology at
Stanford University and as a geneticist for the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
He worked on the Emergency Guayule Rubber Research Project for the U. S.
Department of Agriculture during World War II. His research covered many
areas in taxonomy and genetics but the primary focus of his work was on
the mustard family, Brassicaceae. He was a member of the National Academy
of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [...].
Donald PFISTER, Carroll E. WOOD & Otto T. SOLBRIG [de l'université
de Harvard], «Biography [of Reed Rollins]», in Library of
the Gray Herbarium: Archives of Dr. Reed Rollins. Papers circa 1940-1970,
(en ligne en 2003).